Shout Out with Gratitude!

As I was staring blankly at my computer I asked myself "How did I get here?"  I left my home, my family, friends and a great paying job all to follow my dream to live in a place that I love! Sedona has been worth every moment of sacrifice that is for sure.

I created a business for myself, struggling in a small town but have never been happier.  I have gone to seminars, worked with different coaches and all of them taught me something that I could take away and implement into my business.  But, it wasn't until this last coaching program that I felt I soared!  I went back to the basics of WHY I am doing what I am doing. WHO is it that I am doing it for and HOW I can best serve them.

I was never good at marketing myself.  I am creative spatially but not on the computer (a designer on FIVERR is now my new best friend).  One on one I could tell you what I can do but to write it and SELL myself.....that gave me a stomach ache!  Until now. I am very proud of the strides I have made in my business:  Branding, Packages, Free Offers, After Service Marketing Pieces, Additional Services....and you already know I am working on my Signature System Course (The 5 Part M.A.G.I.C. Formula for Designing the Perfect Closet).

How did I get all that done?  How did I get here?  With the help of Cena Block at Sane Spaces. and her program Biz Marketing Makeover Group.  I worked with a group of other professional organizers sharing the same struggles as me!  The information and support I received was invaluable! I highly recommend it for any small business owner! 

That's all for now! I just wanted to share because I am so grateful!