Resolution: Spend More Time with Friends

If you’re anything like me you have a group of friends that you love spending time with.

Finding the time to do it is a whole other issue! Getting a large group together is as easy as herding cats. We all have busy lives…work, kids, family etc etc but, scheduling time to spend with your friends is important. It’s usually something we do BY CHOICE not by requirement.

For the holidays this year, my group of friends planned a dinner to specifically plan and schedule a whole bunch of activities that we could do throughout the next year.

It was so successful that I want to share the idea with you.

Here’s how it worked:

  1. Everyone was to come to dinner with at least one activity idea (cost per person and other details included) and of course bring a delicious dish.

  2. Eat and drink and enjoy the time together.

  3. Put all of the ideas down on paper

  4. Have everyone vote for their top 5

  5. Tally top activities and choose which ones you will do. For example, if you plan on getting together every 2 months you would choose the top 6 that were voted for.

  6. Schedule the activities and don’ forget to put them in your calendars!

Here’s what our monthly schedule ended up looking like.


Our Murder Mystery Dinner was a total bIast and I highly recommend it! I hope you have as much fun as we plan to. I’d love to hear about some of your experiences!