Small Projects - Third Quarter

Can you believe how fast this year is flying by?

As promised, I’m back with more small project ideas! Let me know how you’re doing.


- Empty and clean all the drawers
- Go through items and dispose of anything unused or expired
- Collect loose items and put “like with like” (ie: hair accessories, make up)
- Get some form of drawer organizer to keep small items contained



- Take all books off the shelves and clean them
- Decide which books you want to keep and which you might donate
- Decide how you would like to organize your books (ie: color, height, subject, author)
- Replace the books on the shelves in an orderly way



- Take out each file one at a time and look through it
- Discard anything that is no longer valid (ie: old insurance policies, expired contracts)
- Update the file names so they are current and accurate
- Properly dispose of what you’re not keeping – SHRED whatever has personal information on it



- Empty and wipe down all the drawers
- Discard anything that no longer works (old pens) or is unused
- Collect “like with like” so they can go back in the same drawer
- Get some form of drawer organizer to keep small items contained

Remember, take your time. These are small projects, but important ones!