Getting it All Done.

Many people ask me how do you juggle it all? or how do you get everything done?

I have my own business. I do work for a local TV station. I run my home and I manage to make time for myself and my loved ones.

I had never really stopped to think about it … I just DO.  That’s not to say I just do things willy-nilly. The key is to PRIORITIZE!  I have a process that I go through when deciding what needs to be done first and I’m going to share it with you.

Whether you’re a paper or digital person it is KEY to have a planner. When you write down your tasks you can then decide what order you should do them in. Really, write down everything – including the “me time” stuff like taking a bath, or exercising.

The first thing I do when I start my day with a cup of tea, is sit down and look through my daily “To Do” list. I look through my appointments and anything else I want to do that day to my schedule (ie back to exercising).  With that done, I can start prioritizing my tasks.

Here’s how I do it (I learned from Stephen Covey):

I number my tasks based on their importance.

1-      Whatever can make me some revenue that day (contacting clients, placing ads, doing PR)

2-      Whatever MUST be done that day.  Meaning there is a deadline to that task.

3-      Whatever I can complete from previous days (finish a blog or follow up on a quote)

4-      Whatever I can start new like scheduling social media posts.

Once I have completed that task, I put a check mark next to it.  MAN is that satisfying!

If the task has been started but not completed, I will put a dot next to it. If it is not completed by the end of the day, I move the task to the next day.

If I must move the task for whatever reason, I will put an arrow next to it and move it where it needs to go.

It may seem like a lot of work but it’s not. Once you get the hang of it, it’s fast and easy.

This way works for me…I’d love to know what works for you!