
What if Halloween is "Cancelled"?

I’ve been thinking a lot about Halloween and wondering if it will be cancelled this year.

I don’t have kids so I can’t even pretend to imagine how I would tell my child about why they can’t go Trick or Treating.

But, also, since I’m not a parent, but an organizer… my mind quickly shifted to “what else can be done?” and “how can this be spinned”.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I did put the question on my social media to ask “what did you like more about Halloween? The dressing up or the candy?”     

Dressing up won hands down… although for me it was the candy!


I know my parents let us dress up any time we wanted. I don’t know if that is true in every household, but, it’s a great way to boost creative minds, artistic tendencies and imaginative play time. So replicating that part of Halloween should be easy.  You can even create a Zoom party for the kids to show off their costumes to each other.

But the candy part… that was never easily accessible in my house (and that was back in the 70’s).

I would imaging that today parents are even less likely to have candy handy which makes Halloween and ever bigger treat.

I remember coming home and my sister and I would dump all our candy on the floor, weed out the “gross” stuff (like candy corn and molasses candy) and start trading the rest. When the task was complete, we had the perfect bag of treats that would probably last us over a month!

Yes, we had our candy rationed to a few pieces a day. Had it not been we would have stuffed our faces in the first day or two, been sick to our stomachs and probably bouncing off the walls from all the sugar!

Thinking about how much I enjoyed that got me to thinking about how that experience could be replicated if Halloween were to be cancelled.

Since kids can dress up any time, let’s concentrate on the candy. Some parents may be relieved that the October sugar bomb will not be available… but there must be a happy medium?

What if kids got the candy as a reward instead of collecting it on Halloween, they collect it for chores, or being helpful, or doing a kindness or anything else you can think of.


  1. Get a list of your kid(s) favorite treats, add in a few of your favorites and Halloween classics and place a nice big order.

  2. Combine everything in one big bag to mix up and then divide it amongst the kids. Let them sit together and trade until they each have their perfect batch. If they want to do that in costume even better.

  3. Create a game or use the Bingo card I’ve included to have them collect their daily candy.

Younger Kids BINGO.jpg

Am I being too harsh? Maybe they should just get the Halloween candy for no reason. Again, I’m not a parent however, I know I learned to appreciate things by working for them rather than receiving them for nothing.   

I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Do You Know Where Your Yearbooks Are?

It’s the year 2020. Do you know where your yearbooks are?

I’ve been thinking about this since I cleaned out my mother’s garage last summer. There they were, staring me in the face again: St. George’s High School Green Dragon Review 1981 through 1985.


Did I put them back in the box they came out of and put them back in storage?


Did I look through them and reminisce about the “good old days”?

HELL NO! I hated every minute of High School.

So why am I keeping my year books?

The truth is, I HAVE NO IDEA!

As I mentioned, it has been bothering me for about a year now, and during that time I have asked some friends if they know where their yearbooks are.  Here are some of their responses:

“On my living room bookshelves”.  As an organizer my mind went to: REALLY? Do you look at them? When asked, she admitted she does not.

“I have no idea”.  This response made much more sense to me.

“In a box somewhere. I’m not sure where since we moved”.  YUP, that sounds about right.

Like me, not one person had gotten rid of them and it made me wonder even more WHY NOT?

One friend said “I’m sentimental. It’s fun to take them out and look at them every once in awhile.”

Fair enough.

This is my graduating class picture. I am still close friends with exactly 3 of those people in real life. Of course, with social media I can be in contact with everyone I want to so I am still in touch with a few more. Horrifying pictures like these come back into circulation…what other reminders do I need?  What am I holding on to?


For some, their yearbooks may hold wonderful memories of their glory days, great GPA or accomplishments. Life only gets harder after school, so I understand wanting to hold on to that for awhile. For me, there was none of that. I got through high school with good grades and bad self-esteem.

The thing is the yearbooks are not what’s important - it’s the memories. If it were the books, we’d be looking through the pages for gratification more often. The books may even remind us of things we’d rather forget (like bad haircuts & hilarious outfits) while our memories can be more selective.

I honestly forgot my yearbooks were even there until I had to do a clean-up BUT, I remember what I choose to about school.

If you are keeping yours, please share your reasons…and if you can’t think of any, please join me in bidding them a fond farewell.


Freezer Frustration!

Last time I was visiting my sister I witnessed her go up and down the stairs over and over and over, to check what she had in the extra freezer. I was exhausted just watching her!

This is what it looked like inside:


This is what she has to do every time she opens the door. And every time she goes shopping….it’s like a black hole in there!

There must be a better way!

I did suggest to her that she get a whiteboard to list everything that’s in the freezer so she can cross it off as things get eaten. At least then she’ll avoid having to rummage through before a trip to the supermarket!

But folks, I’m at a loss as to how to better organize the inside!


The Key to a Quick Pee.

Now that I have your attention, you must be wondering what organizing has to do with a quick pee.

Well, nothing directly of course but bear with me.

As I was sitting home watching the musical Hamilton (with my snacks, my wine and all the other great comforts) it brought me back to the time - not so long ago - when I saw it in the theater.

I love going to the theater but when I do, I must admit, I get a little bit crazy.  When I buy my tickets they have to be on an aisle (because I don’t like disturbing  people if I have to get up) AND because I know at intermission I’m going to need to make a run to the bathroom!

Apologies if that’s “TMI” but I promise it will all lead to organization…


So, back to Hamilton.

Intermission came and I was ready. We hop out of our seats and head to the bathroom only to find a huge line had already formed for the ladies. I look at my hubby and shrug, he knows l’ll have to wait it out.  He goes in and out, buys us drinks (I know what you’re thinking. Why is she drinking) and I am still in line.

Now the lights blink, intermission is over, and the line is still long. BUT, there’s no line for the men’s. I don’t need to tell you what I did… as did many women behind me.

Why am I writing about this? Because it’s a problem. We all know it. We’ve all experienced it and we can’t figure out why it happens.

Well, a few months later we went back to the same theater. Intermission came and we bolted.

Here comes the organizing part.

The line for the women’s bathroom was visibly MOVING! We couldn’t believe our eyes!

The theater had come up with a solution. Attendants! Bathroom Babes is what I wanted to call them because I was so grateful!

These attendants kept the ladies moving. Told them which stall to go to and which door to leave through. 

ORGANIZATION.  See, I told you. 

Being organized can really take the stress out of EVERY part of our lives.   


Stress Shopping: Who Can Relate?

So, like everyone else, I’ve been stuck at home for awhile with outside tensions mounting, people divided and not knowing what to think. Where do I turn in my times of great stress? Online shopping.

Sound Familiar?

Don’t be ashamed.


In times of stress, it’s natural that we turn to the things we believe will make us happy. THINGS being the operative word.

I don’t know about you but 2 extra yoga blocks, new pillowcases and an assortment of a dozen scented candles are not going to make me happy. They may ease my “pain” temporarily, but they aren’t a solution.

It’s like a balloon deflating.  The anticipation of waiting and receiving something that makes us “high” but as soon as that package is torn open and made its place in your home, the elation subsides and the anxiety is bound to return.

My latest guilty pleasure was buying a T-shirt from the Camp I went to when I was a teenager. Do I NEED another t-shirt? Absolutely not! Did I HAVE TO HAVE this particular t-shirt?

100% YES.

I further justified the expense because proceeds were going to help COVID Relief.

You can create an emotional attachment to an object because it momentarily distracts you from what you’re feeling.  The thought of wearing this t-shirt brought me back to a much simpler time and place when my only worries were if I would see the boy I liked or if I had to get into the cold lake that day.     

Who wouldn’t want that?   

I got so excited about this t-shirt that I actually starting thinking about a Facebook post where I could  tag all of my camp friends and make them want to sing the theme song with me: “W that’s the way it begins” - a little nutty I know but I’m sure you get the point.

But, again the feeling is short lived because happiness is not an object, it’s a state of mind and is not dependent on possessions. 

Advertising is geared towards making you want (and even worse) believing you need things to make your life complete.

We all get sucked in. 

TV ads, Pop up ads, Facebook ads, are all telling us that we need this THING to be better, to look better, to feel better.

YOU ARE ENOUGH!   Things don’t add quality to your life 

Next time you feel badly and you want to cheer yourself up instead of shopping, decide to be kind to yourself, take it easy, and seek out activities to change your state of mind.

I’m going to DO more yoga with those new blocks and I will relax and soak in the tub more while enjoying the scented candles.   And YES, I will dance around in my T-shirt singing the camp song.

What will you do for you?

Hamburger Hot Dog

I’m sure I’m not the only one reorganizing everything in their home!

The other day I was folding towels and getting very frustrated.


When my husband came in the room, I asked how he folded the towels so nicely and compactly that they fit perfectly on the narrow shelves.

His response: Hamburger hot dog.

Well, you could imagine my reaction: WHAT IN THE WORLD are you talking about?

Check it out!

Have you ever heard of this? I bet you’ll try it now!

Let me know.

Spring Cleaning?? Who Needs the Stress!

Now, I’m in no way saying that a good, deep Spring Cleaning isn’t worthwhile……but who needs the stress!


There’s so much hype and so many things written about how to do it, when to do it and what to do that it makes me just not want to do it at all! Do you feel the same way?

I do my best cleaning and organizing when the mood calls me. You know, you’re sitting reading a book and the sun shines on the shelves next to you exposing a layer of dust! THAT is when I do it….the mood calls and I respond. Or, when I try on 3 different things that I don’t like and I start to tear through my closet to give things away!

It may not happen often, but when it does - I’m very productive!

My point? Don’t feel badly if you don’t plan and do a huge “Spring Cleaning”. Do it for you, when it’s right for you!


Resolution: Spend More Time with Friends

If you’re anything like me you have a group of friends that you love spending time with.

Finding the time to do it is a whole other issue! Getting a large group together is as easy as herding cats. We all have busy lives…work, kids, family etc etc but, scheduling time to spend with your friends is important. It’s usually something we do BY CHOICE not by requirement.

For the holidays this year, my group of friends planned a dinner to specifically plan and schedule a whole bunch of activities that we could do throughout the next year.

It was so successful that I want to share the idea with you.

Here’s how it worked:

  1. Everyone was to come to dinner with at least one activity idea (cost per person and other details included) and of course bring a delicious dish.

  2. Eat and drink and enjoy the time together.

  3. Put all of the ideas down on paper

  4. Have everyone vote for their top 5

  5. Tally top activities and choose which ones you will do. For example, if you plan on getting together every 2 months you would choose the top 6 that were voted for.

  6. Schedule the activities and don’ forget to put them in your calendars!

Here’s what our monthly schedule ended up looking like.


Our Murder Mystery Dinner was a total bIast and I highly recommend it! I hope you have as much fun as we plan to. I’d love to hear about some of your experiences!

Give Yourself a Gift This Year!

Do you ever look at the beautifully designed closets in all the magazines...and drool just a little? Does your mind go to....... how do they do that or I wish it was affordable? Or quite simply to I WANT ONE?

Well, let me tell you a secret.  I’ve seen a lot of closets and all the fluff, cool lighting and fancy gadgets are not what makes a well designed closet. It makes a pretty closet and a beautiful space but......that doesn't mean it is actually a functional one.  I have seen gorgeous closets, where the rods were placed too low and there was clothing dragging on the floor or some shelves were cut at a cool angle but empty, because nothing could fit on them properly. I have often been unimpressed!   

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So what does warrant the title "A well designed closet"? Not fancy materials, not pretty pictures and not big name brand companies.  YOU can create your own custom designed plan and build it however YOU want to.  These four steps will tell you how: 


1.    TAKE DETAILED MEASUREMENTS:  This first step seems simple enough but it is the most crucial. Imagine designing and ordering your dream closet and having taken a measurement incorrectly.....the pieces won't fit and you will have wasted your money. Take an accurate measurement of the wall(s) that you will be building on. Look for obstructions such as light switches, plugs, vents etc and note where they fall on the walls. Once you have everything measured, draw the space on a piece of graph paper using 1/2" scale (1/2" = 1'). 

 2.    ASSESS AND ANALYZE YOUR WARDROBE: Yes, this is meant to be as detailed as it sounds! You need to count how many pieces you have, measure how long they hang, as well as how wide and how high items are when they are stored folded. You want to make sure that you do not leave your clothes dragging on the floor or create shelves that will only fit 1 1/2 pairs of shoes instead of 2! Make notes of how much long vs short items you own, how many piles and how many pairs of shoes. Create paper "sections" (for example 3 feet long hanging, 8 piles of sweaters take 2 feet of space) to match the same scale as your graph paper. 

 3.    MAKE SURE IT WILL ALL FIT: Remember that mess takes up less space than organization.  If you want to move all of your shoes off the floor, they will take space away from something else! Using your scaled floor plan, and the cut "sections"and lay out the space that will be used for each category you noted.  Remember that you can double hang short items or add extra shelves above a rod. If you find that you are quickly running out of space then you will have to come up with compromises or give something up!

 4.    PROPER PLACEMENT: Once you know what you will be keeping in your new space, make sure that you place the sections where they make the most sense. Go back to the obstructions you measured.  Will you be covering a plug? Will your drawers open? Will you have easy access to the clothing you wear the most? Once you are comfortable with where everything have YOUR very own custom made closet!

The only thing left to do is order your creation and have someone install it for you!  Easy peasy right?  

Are you thinking "Is she crazy? That's a lot of work! OR I can't do all that"! I know, it can seem overwhelming........well.....I have another secret for you: There are other options!

 First, I have created a service which will take the 4 steps out of your hands and put them into mine! All you have to do is fill out some forms, shop and arrange installation. Does that take some of the stress away?

Second, I have created and on line course that will teach you these steps in detail! Imagine, being able to not only create your own custom closet.......but perhaps start a new side business of your own!

I have been doing closet design for so long and I am delighted to help pass the skills onto others!  Feel free to contact me with any questions and I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments! 

The 3 A's for a Great Closet Makeover!

I hope I have given you some easy tips and tricks so far! Normally you would follow steps 1-2-3 OR A-B-C but in my experience, you need to follow the 3 A'S for a great closet makeover:

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ACCESSIBLE CLOTHING: This may seem obvious but if you don't take the time and stop to think about what clothing you are storing where, you may end up having to close the closet door to get your favorite shirt while the gown you wear on occasion is always at hand's reach! Believe me I have seen many people grimace when trying to find a piece of clothing! When you put your stuff away, make sure that the clothing you wear the most often are the ones that are the easiest to get to everyday!

 ADDITION OF SPACE:  Organizing anything is great but when it comes to organizing a closet, gaining more space should be at the top of the To Do List! There is not much point to simply moving stuff around when the possibility of adding extra hanging rods is just a hardware store away. Think about creating double rods, adding shelving and getting more stuff in that same old space!  

 ADJUSTABLE PARTS: If you are going to invest your hard earned money into a closet makeover....Make it count! Whether you hire a closet design expert or you do it yourself, make sure you get an adjustable system. Your shelves and rods should be able to move with your changing needs. Styles change, taste changes, lifestyles change and your closet should be able to change with you!

An organized closet helps start your day off right! Less frustration, less time wasted, less searching for items and more time for YOU in the morning!