Wondering What To Do With All That Halloween Candy?

Isn't it amazing how much candy one child can collect in a few hours on Halloween night? And what if they have a party on top of that? YIKES! 

Well, here are some quick tips on what to do with it all!

  • SORT all of the candy into "like with like" so that you can get a visual of what there actually is.

  • TRADE have your children trade with each other or their friends so they can get more of what they like.

  • REMOVE all of the candy they don't like.

  • DONATE anything they don't like to a food bank or children's hospital or any cause close to your heart.

  • FREEZE any chocolate so it will last longer.

  • LIMIT the daily intake by packing a few pieces for lunch.

  • TREAT Use the candy as special extra treat 

Please share any other ideas you may have!