
Can the things you hold on to hold you back?

Do you hold onto objects just to try to hold on to the feelings and memories you associate with those things? And are these objects creating clutter in your life?

Things are just objects. WE attach emotion and meaning to them.

If you toss out the object…do you believe the memories will go with it?

If this thing made you so happy during a certain period of time…are you still using it or is it shoved into a closet somewhere?


Let’s take a look at some common objects people hold on to and find some clutter free solutions for them:

  • Photo albums: This one is easy breezy if you have the time.  Scan (or even take a photo) of the page of old photographs and create a file for them in your computer.  If that just seems like too much work, at least, empty the albums and put the important photos in a box. While you sort the photos, be discerning and keep only the photos that hold some meaning for you. If you can’t see someone’s face or you don’t remember who they are…say goodbye! 

  • Old sweatshirts/jeans from boyfriends: First question is - are you still with this boyfriend? Second question is - do you wear the items?  If you do, OK, it’s a pass…go ahead and keep them as long as it’s the item you are coveting and no longer the person. If the items have you stuck in the past. Give Them Back.

  • Stuffed animals: If you’re an adult holding on to a stuffed animal, there’s something in your past that is associated with it. See if you can find that source and move forward. Take a photo, maybe include a note with a memory or two and then say a sweet goodbye.

  • Skinny jeans: OH YEAH! We all have these (or something equivalent). This is a tough one because getting rid of these feels like you’re giving up the fight. But, let’s face it, after a certain time in our lives, we may never fit into our “skinny” anything. Embrace who you are and find a new favorite thing to wear.

  • Love letters: These are tough. Many people will say that if the letters are not from the person you’re with currently, then letters be gone! Well, sometimes that is easier said than done. But, if you insist on revisiting the past, you don’t need a physical copy taking up space. You can do the same thing as with your photos and scan them into your computer. 

  • Wedding dresses: As a closet designer I see so many wedding dresses taking up way too much space in a Master Closet. It makes sense that you may want to keep it for your daughter, but does it have to be taking up prominent real estate? Either box it yourself or have it done professionally and put it out of the way until the future wedding.

May seem harsh, but the more we hold on to physically does affect what we hold on to mentally. It may be objects, memories or emotions.

I’m curious, what are some of the things you can’t let go of? 

Let's Entertain Neatening Things

It’s again that time of year when many people will give up some of their favorite things for Lent.  That is not something I practice but I often wonder what I would (or more specifically) could give up.

Then, as my mind always does, it started to wander onto how I could relate these thoughts to my work? And… it may be a stretch but I came up with this:

L.E.N.T. = Let’s Entertain Neatening Things   


This is something you can do for yourself at any time. Making things neater and tidier will help you feel more in control and grounded.

Here are ten ideas of places to begin:

1-      Junk drawer in your kitchen

2-      Medicine cabinet

3-      Home office drawers

4-      File drawers

5-      Pantry

6-      Bookshelves

7-      Toy boxes or shelves

8-      Garage cabinets

9-      Nightstand drawers

10-   Shed

Now, our main goal here is to tidy up, but while doing this you may take stock of everything in these areas.  If you don’t use them, need them or love them then give them up for your L.E.N.T.

I’d love to hear how it goes!


Wondering What To Do With All That Halloween Candy?

Isn't it amazing how much candy one child can collect in a few hours on Halloween night? And what if they have a party on top of that? YIKES! 

Well, here are some quick tips on what to do with it all!

  • SORT all of the candy into "like with like" so that you can get a visual of what there actually is.

  • TRADE have your children trade with each other or their friends so they can get more of what they like.

  • REMOVE all of the candy they don't like.

  • DONATE anything they don't like to a food bank or children's hospital or any cause close to your heart.

  • FREEZE any chocolate so it will last longer.

  • LIMIT the daily intake by packing a few pieces for lunch.

  • TREAT Use the candy as special extra treat 

Please share any other ideas you may have! 

3 Tricks to Avoid Over Packing

If you are anything like me, when you pack for a trip, you don't end up wearing more then half of the things you brought with you! At one point on every trip I wind up saying "What were you thinking?!" Well, I recently had to pack for a 3 week trip in 2 different destinations each with different I stopped to really think about it before I packed.  These are the 3 tricks I can up with to keep me from overpacking:

  1. DO SOME RESEARCH BEFORE YOU LEAVE:  Before you leave, get some idea about what the weather will be, what kind of activities you may be doing, what the dress codes are for places you have planned etc. Once you know what types of things you need to bring you can limit what you pull out to pack.

  2. LAY EVERYTHING OUT TO MIX & MATCH:  Clear off your bed and grab a glass of's time to create outfits! We do this for ourselves every you just have to plan ahead. You don't need to wear something different every day!  Choose only pieces that will work with others to create different outfits. ONE pair of formal shoes will do on most vacations! If you are going some place tropical, ONE "just in case I'm cold piece will do! Once you have it all laid out, leave the room for awhile and then come back to see if you can weed out any more.

  3. LEAVE ROOM FOR SHOPPING: Yes I am serious! If you fill your luggage with too much leaving will have no room to bring back any goodies! It's a no brainer!  

Wishing you all wonderful summer holidays!  Please share any packing tips that you have.


Christmas Shopping.....Is It Ever Too Early To Start?

I am not here to preach about the right way to organize your Christmas shopping! 

We all have our own habits and we manage to get things done in our own time.

 Some of us thrive on doing things last minute and others need to have things done months ahead or else we start to itch!

And then there are some of us who want to get it done on time, hate to do things last minute, but just get paralyzed at the thought of all of that shopping!

The thought of the malls, the crowds and the money spent makes Christmas a dreaded time for some people.

The question I have is......... why wait?  

Think about the joy of Christmas giving all year and buy things as you see them.  If you see a sweater in July that you know your mother will love, BUY IT!

There is no rule that says you have to make a Christmas list at the end of the year and follow it! Have some fun. Be spontaneous.

As for the list of gifts that children want....and must have... AMAZON can be your best friend!

It is never too early to start your Christmas shopping!     

Want vs Need

What do you think is more powerful:  WANT or NEED?

I have been thinking about this ever since I started writing my Closet Sales Class...WHY? because I was taught one thing a long time ago and now I am hearing that it is wrong.

Years ago when I was being trained as a Closet Designer, I was always told to sell not just to a need but to "the need behind the need".  For example:  Someone may need more space in the closet.....but the reason behind it may not be the extra space itself but the fact that she and her partner dress at the same time in the morning and bump into each other, get on each other's nerves then fight.  


I always thought that was a pretty powerful selling tool.......BUT.......not everyone will be forthcoming with their "issues". So that just leaves you selling to need. 


I started thinking about my buying habits.  I would say that nine times out of ten, I will buy something I NEED before something I WANT. In my mind that seems like the logic decision? Don't get me wrong....I buy things I want all the time.  I simply prioritize.


So what happens when it comes to big ticket items?


I have been selling closets for years and have been selling to "Needs" pretty successfully and now all of a sudden everything I read about marketing says that people buy what they Want....not what they Need!


Have budget considerations flown out the window? Do I stay quiet while a client packs their closet full of useless accessories they don't need?


I am confused!  What do you think? 

5 Reasons NOT to be Afraid to Hire a Professional Organizer

Many people say to me "I really need your help but I am afraid to have you come over".....and all I can think is really? Am I scary? LOL.  

Fear is a very strong emotion and one that can really hold us back from making changes or difficult and uncomfortable decisions. I know what I deal with and I would imagine my clients will deal with the same things:

  • Fear of change
  • Fear of letting go of something
  • Fear of loss
  • Fear of not having enough or not being able to get more
  • Fear of  dealing with buried emotions


And YES, de-cluttering and organizing your life can raise some of these deep issues. As professional organizers we are here to help you through's what we dedicate our lives to. Here are the 5 reasons why you should NOT be afraid to work with us:

1- We don't judge: We got into this profession to HELP people not to judge or ridicule them. We take pride in being able to motivate people into creating new patterns that will make their lives easier and more efficient.


2- We have seen everything: People are often under the false impression that they are alone in their situation.  If that were the case, Professional Organizers would not stay in business. There is really not much that will shock us!  


3- We are not perfectI can't speak for all organizer but to be truthful own life's organization will turn into chaos.  It happens to all of us.  We just have been taught the skills to get things back on track quickly.


4- Your appointments are confidential:  You don't have to worry about people finding out what you are doing or what you are working on.  What happens during your appointments stays at your appointment!


5- Our bark is worse than our bite:  We may give you a lot to do and think about and expect positive results. We are merely the don't have to worry about disappointing's all about YOU!


If you have any questions about working with a Professional Organizer, please feel free to contact me!

NO is an O.K. Answer!

As I sat in my third (what seems like forever) meeting, my mind started to wander.......WHY am I here?  This meeting actually does not have much to do with me. I can't even understand most of the "lingo" being used.  How did I get here?

THE REASON:  I have a very hard time saying:

Why is NO so hard to say?  Two little letters come together to form a four letter word!  One syllable that can bring fear to people's hearts and cramps to their stomachs!

Is it  guilt - for standing up for what we want (or don;t want)? 

Is it a sense of "I should's"?   

Is it not wanting to disappoint other people?

CHECK!  All of the above for me!  But I realize that this is not helping me.  Saying YES when you mean NO can only lead to unhappiness and resentment!  Who needs that in their lives! NOT ME! 

So I challenge you (and myself) to start saying NO:

  1. To things that don't serve you.  
  2. When you feel taken advantage of
  3. To things that waste your time or aren't productive
  4. To things that work against you

And start saying YES

  1. To things that enrich your life
  2. To things that benefit you and your family
  3. To things that genuinely help others
  4. To things that bring you JOY

What does this have to do with organizing you may ask?  Well, think about buying things you don't need, keeping things "just because" and living with can start saying NO to these things as well ....... you're life WILL become more organized!

It's may be difficult......I know so here's a little video to get you on your way!

Let me know how you are doing!



The Best Laid Plans.........

I have just become very curious about how people do their planning.  Last week I did a 2 day workshop called Planapalooza (love the name!) which was all about planning for the upcoming year. What do you think I discovered?  As crazy, anal and organized that I am......I still didn't plan enough (or what I think is enough)!

Don't get me wrong, I PLAN EVERYTHING!  If someone wants to get something done they bring it to how did I let this lapse?  How did I let my own yearly plan get sidetracked?  The only answer I can come up with is not one that I like......... so now to get back to it.  And to get back to my curiosity HOW DO YOU DO YOUR PLANNING? 

I learned so much in those 2 days that my mind started racing. Ideas started brewing. $$ signs started dancing behind my eyes and then a headache started to set in.  It's so much!  It's so much to think about. So much to do.  There was a whole portion on delegating and all I could think of was "To Who"?  I am in this alone...for the most part.  

Of course, that was just a lot of fear and a little panic creeping in and I decided to sit down and make my own list of how to plan things:

Does that seem too simplified? I hope you weren't expecting something long and detailed. Think about it (In EASY WORLD) this is all we need. Money for survival and Joy to feed our souls! It may not be as realistic, and is definitely not as productive as proper planning....but I just needed that simplicity to get me tell me how do you do it?